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Blog posts of Heron Project

The forth HERON blogpost focuses on Robotnik and their role in the project.

Partner description

Robotnik is a company focused on mobile service robotics, leader in Europe.

Its activity is focused on the design, manufacture and commercialization of robots and autonomous mobile manipulators for different sectors and applications: industry, security and surveillance, logistics, intralogistics, agriculture or inspection and maintenance.

Since the beginning of its activity in 2002, it has commercialized more than 5,000 robots in 50 countries around the world and has participated in more than 60 European R&D projects.

Robotnik has its own R&D department in mobile service robotics and a multidisciplinary engineering team qualified in various fields such as industrial engineering, mechanics, telecommunications and software development.

Relevance of HERON to your organisation (challenges addressed / topic / field)

Heron is a particularly interesting project for Robotnik since one of our main verticals we focus on is actually Inspection and Maintenance robotics in different scenarios. In addition, HERON combines two of the main competitive values for our company: mobile robotics for outdoor and dynamic spaces, and autonomous mobile handling. Improving and perfecting mobile robotics for outdoor location and navigation remains a challenge for manufacturing companies. HERON provides us with an ideal technological framework for this.

Your contribution to HERON

Robotnik has developed for the HERON project a mobile manipulator RB-VOGUI+. This mobile manipulator is autonomous and intelligent, capable of performing the necessary inspection and maintenance actions. We are also responsible, during the project, for making all the necessary adaptations to the robotic vehicle, not only those related to road maintenance capabilities with a collaborative arm and different equipment, but also those concerning the integration of other ΗΕRΟΝ developments into the prototype (integration of sensors, UAV transport system, etc.).

Results already achieved in HERON

In ΗΕRΟΝ, we have achieved significant milestones, particularly in the development of a mobile robot prototype equipped with a manipulator. This robot demonstrates the capability to self-locate within its environment, leveraging algorithms fueled by GPS data and environmental insights captured through 3D laser technology. Moreover, our prototype boasts enhanced capabilities, specifically geared towards road repairing tasks such as cracks sealing, potholes filling and roadmarks painting.

Additionally, as part of our ongoing efforts, we are diligently working on enhancing the pipelines for each of our use cases. This initiative aims to streamline and automate processes further. Furthermore, we are in the process of integrating all these advancements into a user-friendly graphical interface, enhancing the robot’s usability and ensuring ease of operation.

Exploitation potential

The technology developed, particularly the mobile robot prototype equipped with the toolset specially designed and adequate for road repairing, holds significant potential for commercialization. Companies in industries such as construction, infrastructure maintenance, and robotics could benefit from integrating this technology into their operations. There’s an opportunity to further develop and refine the mobile robot prototype into a market-ready product or service. This could involve optimizing the design, improving functionality, and addressing any scalability or reliability concerns to meet the needs of potential customers.

Furthermore, the knowledge and technology developed in HERON could be transferred to other projects or industries facing similar challenges, such as automated maintenance of other types of infrastructure or environmental monitoring. This could expand the impact of the project beyond its initial scope.

Projects / initiatives / activities / clusters related to HERON in which your organisation is involved.

In the field of maintenance and inspection vertical, ROBOTNIK has participated in several European projects like Robetarmé (where ROBOTNIK participates in the development of a cognitive robot platform that address the complete chain of shotcrete application for autonomous construction, maintenance, and monitoring activities of infrastructures), Piloting (demonstrating the application of robotics at scale in the domain of inspection and maintenance in a refinery and a tunnel use cases) and BIMprove (in which ROBOTNIK developed a robotic platform used for inspection and data acquisition to obtain a BIM project of the fields).

The third HERON blogpost focuses on the Autonomous Systems Lab (ASL) of ETH Zürich and their role in the project.

Partner description

The Autonomous Systems Lab (ASL) of ETH Zürich is an academic research lab that focuses on increasing the intelligence and capabilities of autonomous robot systems: whether they act on the ground, in the water, or in the air. The interests of the lab span widely from mechanical design, control, path planning, and perception. Within the HERON project, our main focus is on mobile manipulation and manipulation skills for autonomous robots: how can we use robot arms, combined with mobile bases, to take dull, dirty, and dangerous tasks away from human road maintenance operators?

Relevance of HERON to your organisation (challenges addressed / topic / field)

 HERON is a very interesting project for us because it allows us to collaborate with other academic and industry partners on pushing the boundaries of robotic automation. Being part of this consortium allows us to bring our cutting-edge research to a higher TRL level, and see our work deployed in real road repair scenarios in the field.

Your contribution to HERON

The first part of our contribution is the manipulation of granular materials, such as gravel, sand, and asphalt. We’ve published peer-reviewed work on the planning and execution of non-prehensile sweeping motions for manipulating gravel at IROS 2023, which can be accessed below:

Our second contribution in HERON is high-level symbolic planning. We’ve also created and published a framework for learning state abstractions from labeled data, extending into a symbolic action abstractions. The paper is available below:

The final part of our work in HERON is the design and development of the high-level planner agnostic to the real UGV, using a hierarchical behavior tree structure. We have done preliminary prototyping of the high-level planner in-house, and will soon work on integrating it on the HERON platform which Robotnik has built.

Exploitation potential

We are focusing on two areas of academic research that will be essential to expanding the domains in which robots can operate: manipulating granular materials and doing high-level symbolic planning of robot tasks and actions. As these are both essential skills for robotics, collaboration with our industrial partners like Robotnik automation will allow us to exchange both ways: for us to learn what’s missing in the academic work for industrial deployments, and for sharing our knowledge and pushing the boundaries of robotics through the HERON project.

Projects / initiatives / activities / clusters related to HERON in which your organisation is involved.

  • Learning to perceive, model, plan, and manipulate granular materials, which will be essential for the road maintenance tasks contained in the HERON project.
  • Symbolic planning of unstructured environments for mobile manipulators.
  • Collaborating with our partners Robotnik for the integration of the real HERON UGV.

The second HERON blogpost focuses on the Institute of Communications and Computer Systems (ICCS) and their role in the project.


Please describe your organization.

The Institute of Communications and Computer Systems (ICCS) is a non-profit academic research body established in 1989 by the Greek Ministry of Education to carry out research and development activities in the area of telecommunications, systems and techniques, computer systems and their applications in transceivers, radar, electromagnetic sensors, satellite and wireless communications, electromagnetic phenomena modelling, neural networks, systems, software and hardware engineering, telematics and multimedia applications, transport applications, control systems, biomedical engineering, and electric power.

What are some of the research capabilities of ICCS that can contribute to the work in HERON?

The Laboratory of Photogrammetry, Signal Processing & Computer Vision performs research in spectral analysis, signal processing, machine learning, and environmental applications. It is equipped with GIS-based tools (ArcGis, QGis), along with the respective software plug-ins (e.g., GeoHealth). Moreover, the laboratory is equipped with capturing devices, such as ultra-high resolution hyperspectral cameras, thermal cameras, infrared cameras, multi-spectral cameras, many optical RGB cameras for surveillance purposes, 3D laser scanners, structured light scanners, multi-view camera architectures, Time of Flight sensors for omnidirectional analysis, photographic machines of high resolutions, high-speed cameras. Lastly, it also has all the software for processing hyper-spectral data and 3D data and generating 3D models.

What is the role of ICCS in HERON?

ICCS is the HERON Project Coordinator and leader of WP3, which is related to various AI-based algorithms and tools for recognition, classification, and localization of the HERON points of interest. ICCS is also Responsible for the AI and deep machine learning algorithms, as well as the computer vision tools that will be integrated into the HERON robotic platform.

What are some of the results you have already achieved in HERON?

Various state-of-the-art computer vision tools (e.g., YOLO algorithms for object detection problems and U-Net models with recurrent residual and attention modules as well as deep transformer networks for precise segmentation tasks) have been analyzed, implemented, and compared for the effective classification, localization, and segmentation of the various HERON points of interest.

For instance, numerous deep learning tools have been designed for crack segmentation, pothole localization, blurred road marking detection, traffic cone identification, traffic sign classification, and RUP (Removable Urban Pavement) recognition. Various road infrastructure-related datasets that derive from sensors mounted on inspection vehicles or drones have been acquired and annotated, and are now accessible to the scientific community, for verifying the results and further research. Regarding these applications indicative experimental results have been presented in the following scientific publications:

What is the exploitation potential of these results?

Of all public assets, road infrastructure tops the list. Roads are crucial for economic development and growth, providing access to education, health, and employment. The maintenance, repair, and upgrade of roads are therefore vital to road users’ health and safety as well as to a well-functioning and prosperous modern economy. Recent studies indicate that artificial intelligence plays a crucial role in the automated visual inspection and maintenance of road infrastructures. In pursuit of this objective, the potential for exploitation can be associated with various key aspects, including:

  • Algorithms that are responsible for transforming the 2D captured visual cues of the sensors into high-level feature maps capable of modelling and representing the various points of interest using AI-driven and deep learning methodologies.
  • Machine learning methods that combine textural, geometric and semantic information in a high-level fused manner, to recognize, classify and localize the points of interest.
  • Geo-reference and precisely 3D localize the points of interest.

What are some of the activities/projects related to HERON, in which your organization is involved?

The Laboratory of Photogrammetry, Signal Processing & Computer Vision has been involved in the following activities/projects that are linked to HERON:

  • Defect detection in civil infrastructures (H2020 PANOPTIS project),
  • Development of crack detection algorithms using computer vision tools for tunnels (FP7 Robo-Spect project),
  • Artificial intelligence algorithms for processing thermal data for security purposes in critical civil infrastructures (H2020 STOP-IT project),
  • Detection and 3D modeling of civil infrastructures after natural disasters such as earthquakes (FP7 INACHUS project),
  • 3D modeling and reconstruction of defects in prominent cultural heritage monuments, buildings, and historic areas affected by climate change (H2020 HYPERION project),
  • Pipeline inspections for defects using computer vision tools (FP7 ZoneSec Project),
  • Evacuation methods and algorithms using computer vision and machine learning for large-scale critical environments (FP7-eVacuate project),
  • Network of fellows investigating the impact of climate change on cultural heritage structures (H2020 YADES project),
  • Real-time signal adaptive/tracing algorithms from un-calibrated capturing sensors equipped with technologies extracting geolocations of detected objects of interest (FP7-SCOVIS project).

WP2 “End-Users Requirements, Metrics and System Design” has begun at Month 0 of the project, and the first task, Task 2.1 “User Requirements, definition of the Use Cases and KPIs” has made it possible to produce a detailed specification of functional and non-functional requirements of the HERON solution.

Figure 1: First page of D2.1 deliverable.

The requirements have incorporated a high-level statement of the goals, objectives, set of problems that HERON aims to solve and future opportunities (business requirements). The systems capabilities and the quality-of-service requirements have been defined (conditions under which the solution must remain effective and constraints within which it must operate with regards to enhanced RT services for optimized multimodal mobility). Additionally, a set of use cases have been proposed, with a set of KPIs that will be used for validation within WP8.

This has been made possible by specific studies of the pilots’ premises to define the needs and the minimum requirements for each pilot.

Figure 2: Pilots in Spain (left) and Greece (right).

Figure 3: French pilots (Transpolis on the left and Removable Urban Pavement slabs on the right).

The use cases that have been chosen are:

  • Cracks detection and repair,
  • Potholes detection and repair,
  • Asphalt rejuvenation and sealing,
  • Pavement inspection,
  • Support to inventorying tasks,
  • Routine maintenance of the road infrastructure, general patrolling and inventory tasks,
  • Inspection and maintenance of road markings,
  • Detection and repair of reinforced concrete cracks,
  • Inspection and repair (removal – replacement) of slabs of Removable Urban Pavements,
  • Installation and removal of traffic cones.

Figure 4: Traditional way to dealing with the use cases.

Two end-user workshops, one in Spain with the Spanish Ministry for transport and one in Greece with representatives of the Greek Ministry of Infrastructure & Transport, the Traffic Police and the Civil Aviation Authority, have made it possible to validate these use cases and the importance of this HERON solution for these countries.

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